AIM Fit ‘n Fiber Orchard Peach – 16 oz (6 pack) Save $15


  • SAVE $15 over the single price when buying a 6 pack!
  • Provides eight grams of prebiotic fiber per serving
  • Boosts the fiber in your diet–safely and easily
  • Supports digestive health
  • Promotes regular bowel movements
  • Supports healthy blood sugar levels
  • Helps maintain cardiovascular health
  • Fiber prolongs satiety which may help with weight management


Fit ‘n Fiber is a dietary fiber supplement for healthy weight management. It provides ten grams of fiber from a unique array of synergistic herbs as well as fiber from psyllium husk, oat, apple, acacia, flax seed and konjac.

How is Fit ’n Fiber Unique?

  • No artificial ingredients or flavors
  • A prebiotic fiber formulation to complement FloraFood
  • Delivers 10 grams of fiber in a great-tasting orchard peach beverage
  • If combined with Herbal Fiberblend, it can improve flavor


A great companion to AIM’s Herbal Fiberblend,  Fit‘n Fiber provides a boost of flavor to one of AIM’s most effective products for digestive health. On its own, Fit ‘n Fiber is a healthy and tasty way to increase your fiber intake with only ten calories per serving. As a standalone product made from the finest natu￾ral ingredients, Fit ‘n Fiber can be used as a daily fiber supplement for overall health.

As a carbohydrate, dietary fiber is a macronutrient—a food substance required in large amounts. Unlike other carbohydrates, however, fiber cannot be broken down into glucose (sugar), but it is an essential carbohydrate in our diets because it cleanses the body and does not raise blood sugar.


The two varieties of fiber—insoluble and soluble—work together to detoxify and cleanse the body. Insoluble fiber moves through the intestinal tract like a scrub brush, bulking up and helping to eliminate any toxins and waste. Soft, soluble fiber, which becomes a gel when mixed with water and digestive enzymes, prevents and reduces the absorption of harmful substances while helping to regulate blood sugar and cholesterol. It also slows down the movement of food through the intestines which contributes to feelings of fullness.

Prebiotics for a Healthy Microbiome

The microbiome in the human gut can be thought of as a mini-ecosystem of microorganisms made up of an average of 100 trillion bacteria. It’s makeup and overall health depends on probiotics (good bacteria) and pathogens (bad bacteria) living together in harmony. When bad bacteria overpopulate the microbiome, this symbiotic relationship becomes unbalanced and results
in digestive issues.

Scientific research emphasizes the vital role that specific fibers play in the health of the gut microbi￾ome: prebiotics for probiotics (food for good bacteria). All prebiotics are fiber but not all fibers are prebiotics. Increasing prebiotics yields higher numbers of good bacteria without the stimulation of bad bacteria.

When you maintain a high prebiotic fiber intake, you continually promote bacterial balance in your gut by providing food for health-protecting probiotics. These good bacteria are involved in a number of functions that help to keep you healthy. Examples include:

  • Digestion of food
  • Absorption of nutrients
  • Production of vitamins
  • Formation of short-chain fatty acids (main nutrient of cells lining the colon)

To provide food for good bacteria, Fit ‘n Fiber contains three prebiotic fibers: acacia, konjac (glucomannan) and guar gum.

Konjac Fiber (Glucomannan)

Konjac fiber’s active component is glucomannan, a soluble dietary fiber that provides prebiotic food for probiotics. Research published in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture showed that when strains of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria (both found in AIM FloraFood) were grown on konjac glucomannan hydrolysate, their quantities were significantly higher than those grown on inulin (another prebiotic).1

Acacia Fiber

Used by the ancient Egyptians to treat numerous ailments, acacia fiber is still used today as a first-class source of soluble fiber. Additionally, it has a high diges￾tive tolerance in humans. A 2008 study in The British Journal of Nutrition showed that consuming acacia fiber (also known as gum arabic) daily for four weeks significantly increased the number of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria. The optimal daily dose was determined to be 10 grams.2 AIM Fit n Fiber contains 4.4 grams per serving.

Fiber and a Healthy Weight

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that has no calories. Your body uses fiber as an internal cleanser rather than a source of nutrients. One notable effect of this cleansing is fiber’s assistance with weight management. Dietary fiber reduces insulin secretion in the body by slowing the rate of nutrient absorption following a meal. In this way, you feel fuller for a longer period of time, your insulin levels are well regulated and your food digests properly. With high-fiber diets, insulin sensitivity increases and, as a result, body weight decreases.

In a review of studies focused on energy regulation related to dietary fiber consumption, researchers with the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center compared the relation of the feeling of satiety caused by fiber consumption to weight loss. Healthy individuals were tested at a limited caloric intake and results demonstrated that an additional 14 g of fiber per day for more than 2 days displayed a 10 percent decrease in energy intake and weight loss of 4.18 lbs (1.9 kg) over 3.8 months. These results were increased among overweight individuals.


How much fiber do I need to consume on a daily basis?
For adults who are 50 years of age and younger, the AI recommendation for total fiber intake is 38 g/day for men and 25 g/day for women. For adults over 50 years of age, the recommendation is 30 g/day for men and 21 g/day for women. The average fiber intake of adults in the United States is only 15 grams a day.

Is there anyone who should not take Fit ‘n Fiber?
Pregnant or nursing women, people taking prescrip￾tion medications, people who have difficulty swallowing or people with diabetes mellitus (in which blood sugar is difficult to regulate) should consult a health practitioner before use.

How to use Fit ‘n Fiber

  •  Mix 2 tablespoons (16 g) with 8 oz (240 ml) of water once daily. AIM recommends mixing with AIM ProPeas or Herbal Fiberblend.  Fit‘n Fiber is best taken before meals. Adolescents (12-17) should mix one tablespoon once daily.
  • Those taking prescription medications, pregnant or nursing women and people who have difficulty swallowing should consult a healthcare practitioner before use. Take four hours before or after amoxicillin.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Psyllium husk may create a sensitivity resulting in an allergic reaction.


(This bulletin is for information in the United States only.
It has not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
©2022 AIM International, Inc. All rights reserved.)


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