AIM CranVerry+ – 60 vegan caps (6 pack) Save $15


  • SAVE $15 over the single price when buying a 6 pack!
  • Supports a healthy urinary tract
  • Delivers potent plant nutrients
  • Helps to maintain a healthy bacterial balance
  • Concentrated cranberry extract
  • Beneficial for both women and men
  • Provides 500 mg of cranberry extract per two-capsule serving
  • All ingredients in CranVerry+ are non-GMO


CranVerry+ for urinary tract health is a dietary supplement that combines cranberry extract with other botanicals that have been shown to support a healthy urinary system.

How is CranVerry+ Unique?

  • Contains beta-glucanase, an enzyme that can break down bacterial biofilms
  • Includes the pericarp of the mangosteen fruit
  • Uses a cranberry extract that includes fruit solids, seeds, skins and juices
  • Each two-capsule serving contains enough cranberry extract from the whole fruit to equal over 9 servings of cranberry juice


The Center for Disease Control and Prevention published a factsheet in 2010 that showed almost 70 percent of visits to urologists were related to an ongoing chronic problem or a new issue that arose. Urinary tract health may not be something we think about on a regular basis, but there are ways to keep your system healthy to help avoid a potential problem.

AIM CranVerry+ uses the well-known benefits of cran￾berries to aid in maintaining urinary tract health in both men and women. Cranberries contain unique phytonutrients that provide these benefits. AIM uses whole-fruit, cranberry extract to ensure that these powerful phytonutrients are not lost in the extraction process.

While AIM has formulated CranVerry+ specifically for the purpose of maintaining your urinary tract health, there are many other pluses associated with antioxidant-rich ingredients such as cranberries and mangosteens. Additional benefits include the maintenance of digestive health related to the mangosteen properties that promote bacterial balance in the body and increased support for the immune system from using the entire fruit in the cranberry extract.


Cranberries have been found to maintain urinary tract health by preventing pathogens from adhering to the walls of the urinary tract. These pathogens can then be flushed out in the urine, and urinary health is maintained.

The specific phytonutrients in cranberries that perform this role are proanthocyanidins (PACs). PACs are chains of flavonoids, which are phytonutrients that have an array of health benefits. While other fruits may contain these same compounds, only the PACs in cranberries and blueberries have been shown to have the stick-free effect on urinary bacteria.

Anthocyanins are believed to be part of the flavonoids that make up the chain of proanthocyanidins. Anthocyanins are the water-soluble portion of the plant cell that transmits pigments that appear red, purple or blue. Each two-capsule serving of CranVerry+ contains cranberry extract equal to over a cup of cooked cranberries and as many anthocyanins as 9.7 servings of cranberry juice (6.76 oz/200 ml serving size).

CranVerry+ contains 500 mg of CranMax® cranberry extract per serving. The extract is derived from the entire berry, including solids, seeds, skins and concen￾trated juices. In a clinical study, it was found that 72 mg of proanthocyanidins per day could help reduce bacterial adhesion for up to 24 hours. CranVerry+ contains over 256 mg of anthocyanins per serving, which means the amount of proanthocyanidins is even greater given that anthocyanins are only a part of the larger chain of proanthocyanidins.


Resveratrol is a naturally occurring phytonutrient that is present in several plants. It functions as a phytoalexin that is produced by the plant in response to fungal attacks or an injury, such as UV-irradiation. When consumed orally, resveratrol functions as a defense against oxidative stress in the body.

Oxidative stress is a state in which there is an imbal￾ance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body. A free radical is an atom that is missing an electron, which makes it unstable. Free radicals easily react with other atoms due to their instability. Antioxidants prevent the damage free radicals can cause by giving them electrons, which neutralizes these potentially damaging atoms.

In 1993, a study found that red wine (Pinot noir) from France contained between 0.362-1.979 mg/L of resveratrol.4 A standard bottle of wine contains 0.750 L and a standard glass of wine contains 0.150 L. At best this calculates to 1.5 mg of resveratrol per bottle or 0.3 mg per glass.

CranVerry+ contains 50 mg of resveratrol extract standardized to 50 percent trans-resveratrol per serving. The resveratrol is extracted from the roots of giant knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) plants. Studies have suggested that the bioavailability of resveratrol from grapes is less than that of the trans-resveratrol found in CranVerry+. This reduced bioavailability means that even if enough grape products—grapes, grape juice or wine—were consumed to reach 50 mg of resveratrol, the amount that could actually be utilized by your body is less than half of what could be utilized by taking only one serving of CranVerry+.


The pericarp (rind) of the mangosteen fruit has been shown to contain active components that belong to a group of xanthones: plant phenols. Xanthones have been shown to help maintain a healthy bacterial balance in the body. CranVerry+ contains 100 mg of mangosteen fruit concentrate that includes the pericarp in a 20:1 concentration per serving. This means that it takes 20 pounds of mangosteens to make 1 pound of mangosteen fruit concentrate.


Beta-glucanase is a carbohydrate enzyme that breaks the bonds within beta-glucan, the main structural component of biofilm. Biofilm is a slimy protective shield that surrounds communities of bacteria, yeast and fungi. Beta-glucanase’s breakdown of beta-glucan reduces the viability of the biofilm. CranVerry+ contains 100 BGU of beta-glucanase per serving.


Why has the serving size changed from 1 capsule to 2 capsules daily?
The change in serving size results in a smaller capsule that is easier to swallow than the previous large capsule. Additionally, the powders in the formulation have changed in density since its introduction. Consequently, the proper weight of each ingredient could no longer fit in one capsule. Rest assured, two smaller capsules per day provide the same therapeutic benefits as one large capsule.

Can CranVerry+ benefit both men and women?
Yes, the ingredients of CranVerry+ can benefit the urinary tracts of both men and women.

Why is CranVerry+ best taken with food?
Resveratrol is a fat-soluble, polyphenolic compound that is more bioavailable when consumed with food.

Can I take CranVerry+ in conjunction with other AIM products?
Yes, CranVerry+ can be used in combination with all AIM products, with one exception: AIM FloraFood® The enzyme beta-glucanase may reduce the viability of tthe probiotics in FloraFood. Please take these products separately at alternate meals.

How to use CranVerry+

  • Take 2 capsules daily.
  • Best taken with food.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Pregnant or nursing women should consult with a physician prior to use.


(This bulletin is for information in the United States only.
It has not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
©2022 AIM International, Inc. All rights reserved.)


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